![]() Earth Hand | ![]() Air Hand |
![]() Fire Hand | ![]() Water Hand |
(Click images to see larger view) |
Chirognomy is the study of the size, shape and appearance of the hand, including analysis of the color, texture and resiliency of the skin. A good place to start the study of Chirognomy is by getting to know the basic hand shapes. Assessment of the shape of the hand provides insight into the essential character of the individual.
Throughout history palmists have developed various systems of categorization for hand types. One popular system classifies the hand into 7 types: Elementary, Square, Spatulate, Philosophic, Conic, Psychic and Mixed. In traditional Chinese Palmistry there are 5 hand types that correspond to the 5 elements of Water, Fire, Wood, Earth and Metal.
The simplest type of classification, and the one that I favor, reflects the 4 elemental categories used in western astrology: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
The elemental type is defined by the shape of the palm in relation to the length of the fingers. Is the palm square or oblong? Are the fingers short or long?
Square palm + short fingers = Earth Hand
Square palm + long fingers = Air Hand
Oblong palm + short fingers = Fire Hand
Oblong palm + long fingers = Water hand
Square palm + long fingers = Air Hand
Oblong palm + short fingers = Fire Hand
Oblong palm + long fingers = Water hand
Earth Hand
The Earth hand is square and solid. The fingers are short and the palm exhibits few lines. Those that do appear are strong and well defined. Subjects with Earth hands tend to be level-headed, no-nonsense people. Physical experience may be more important than intellectual pursuits. Practical in nature, the Earth type may be conservative and probably prefers spending time outdoors. It has been my experience that the Earth type is the least likely to seek out a palmist for a reading.
Astrologically, the Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Air Hand
The Air hand has long fingers and tends to have an abundance of clear lines in the palm. Air types spend their time in the intellecual realms. They are curious and full of ideas. They thrive on nervous energy and may be prone to worry and stress. Air types are communicators and are often good at working with the public. However they may tend to intellectualize their feelings and can have difficulty with close, personal relationships.
Astrologically, the Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Fire Hand
A hand with an elongated palm and short fingers fits into the Fire classification. The lines in the palm are usually strong and well-defined and the hand may have a busy or vibrant feel to it. Fire types are energetic and action oriented. They have a need for variety and may lack patience. Then tend to be individualistic and often make good leaders.
Astrologically the Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Water Hand
Water hands have many fine, spidery lines and both the palm and the fingers are long. The Water hand is found on the sensitive, emotional type of individual. Water types are caring, receptive and artistic. They are primarily motivated by feelings. They may have trouble coping with stress and are often happiest in a peaceful environment.
Astrologically the Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.