The mound on the lower, outer heel of the hand is ruled by the Moon.
Astrologically The Moon is the ruler of the zodiac sign of Cancer and it is at home in the 4th house of the wheel. The Moon's element is Water.
The Moon is often said to be represented by a trio of Goddesses, each linked with one of the faces of the Moon. The are Selene, Diana (know to the Greeks as Artemis) and Hecate.
Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo. She was known as a wild hunter and represents the primitive aspects of life. She was also the protector of childbith.
Selene is said to drive across the night sky in her chariot. Hecate is associated with magic and enchantment and is said to be worshipped at crossroads, tombs and at scenes of crimes.
Astrological Meaning
The sign and placement of the Moon in the natal chart reveals much about the inner emotional live of the subject. It represents the primitive responses, the feeling realm, and the unconscious. Mood is ruled by the Moon as it is cyclical like the waning and waxing light. The Moon also stands for the feminine principal, home and family.
The Moon in your Hand
The mound of the Moon in our hand is the area of receptivity, either positive or negative (stagnation). Keywords include intuition, imagination, moods, sensitivity, illusion, lunacy, escapism, addiction, psychic vision, the subconscious and spirituality.