Though most hands will have the 3 majors and at least one or two of the minors, every hand is unique and many of these lines will be absent from a number of the hands you observe.
The lines in the hand change all during the life and reflect the changes in behavior, attitude, lifestyle and experience of the individual. Taking dated prints of the hands provides a record of what the hands reveal at a particular point in time.
The Major Lines
The Life Line - The Life Line begins at the edge of the hand between the thumb and forefinger and arcs downward around the thumb area. Contrary to popular belief, this line does not indicate length of life. It does identify vitality, robustness or weakness, enthusiasm for living and state of health. The Head Line - The head line begins at or near the beginning of the Life Line and moves horizontally across the hand. It represents mental capacity and the intellectual style. The length of the line indicates amount of time spent in the realm of thoughts. A curvy Head Line is a sign of an intuitive thinker while the very straight line indicates a logical disposition.
The Heart Line - The Heart Line begins under the little finger (Mercury) and moves across the upper palm. The Heart Line reveals the style of relating, the degree of sensitivity of an individual and the emotional history. If the Heart Line sits low in the hand, it is an indication that the heart rules the head. If the line is very straight it shows a person who intellectualizes the emotions.
The Heart Line - The Heart Line begins under the little finger (Mercury) and moves across the upper palm. The Heart Line reveals the style of relating, the degree of sensitivity of an individual and the emotional history. If the Heart Line sits low in the hand, it is an indication that the heart rules the head. If the line is very straight it shows a person who intellectualizes the emotions.
The Simian Line - Some hands have only 1 line moving horizontally across the upper hand, a combination of the usual 2 lines representing head and heart. This marking is known as the Simian Line. With the Head and Heart lines running together, the emotional and mental functions do not operate separately. Those who possess this line exhibit intensity of temperament.
The Minor Lines
The Line of Saturn - The Saturn Line begins just above the wrist and moves up the hand to the middle finger. It is commonly known as the Fate Line. This line represents the measure of personal success and the subject's attitude toward handling responsibility.The Line of Apollo - This line is also known as the Line of the Sun. It appears under the finger of Apollo, the ring finger. The presence of the Line of Apollo indicates artistic talent. This line is often short, rising just above the Heart Line and may not appear on the hand at all.
The Line of Mercury - The Line of Mercury may sometimes be referred to as the Line of Health or the Line of Inner Dialogue. It may not appear on the hand but when it does it rises from the base of the hand and angles up to the Mound of Mercury under the little finger. When present this line will give information about the subject's nervous system. It is also an indication that the individual is seeking a path of self-improvement or spiritual growth.