The pointer finger and the mound just below it are ruled by Jupiter.
Astrologically Jupiter is the ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius (and, before the discovery of Neptune, Pisces). It is at home in the 9th house of the wheel. Jupiter's element is Fire.
In the Roman pantheon Jupiter is the supreme God and is equivalent to Zeus in Greek mythology. Jupiter is the protector of the state and its laws.
As Zeus he was also considered the spiritual leader of both Gods and men. The Olympic games were held in his honor.
It was Jupiter who presented Hercules with his 12 labors. It takes Jupiter 12 years to travel through the zodiac and return to it's beginning point. In this myth Jupiter is playing out the role of the teacher. Jupiter was also called by the name Jove from which we get the word jovial.
Astrological Meaning
Jupiter is the planet of expansion. It is the largest planet in the solar system. In the natal chart Jupiter is associated with leadership, principles, philosophy, law, politics, higher education, travel, abundance, problem solving and ritual.
Negatively Jupiter can manifest as excess in our lives. It may be physical such as overeating or spiritual such as dogmatism.
Jupiter in your Hand
The Jupiter finger can be looked upon as the trigger finger. It represents authority, leadership, motivation, confidence, pride, ambition, goals, power, boundaries, status, and ideals.
A high set Jupiter finger is an indication of a high need to feel respected. An overly large Jupiter finger shows that the subject likes to be in charge. A bent , twisted or short Jupiter finger often indicates problems with authority figures, self-esteem issues or struggles with personal power.